French Digital Calendar and Weather Board 2023-2024

How is it already August? I know I haven’t been out of the classroom for that long but I kind of forget what I need to do to prep for Back to School. Working on the SIS Project was a welcome change, that’s for sure. I loved learning all about Aspen and training and supporting staff boardwide but I sure did miss teaching French. This year, I will be teaching junior and intermediate Core French as well as some French Immersion subjects such as Phys. Ed. and Visual Arts. Can’t wait to move back into my old office! In the meantime, I have been working on giving my French Digital Calendar a refresh for the 2023-2024. Here is what it includes:
- a weather board with images and word cards – NEW! I have added Il y a du brouillard. and C’est partiellement nuageux. as per user feedback.
- a calendar with weeks beginning on Sunday from September through to August
- a calendar with weeks beginning on Monday from September through to August
- an updated Comment ça va? board featuring Ananas with interchangeable eyes, mouths, and word cards
- NEW! A “Quelle est la date aujourd’hui?” board with all the word and number cards needed to formulate a complete response.
Please note that this not a perpetual calendar. This is only for the current school year of September 2023 to August 2024.
If you use Google Slides, watch the video below to learn how to maximize your screen while still in edit mode, where you can still manipulate the images and word cards:
TIP: If you want to use the calendar in Google Slides but do not wish to grant TPT access to your Google Drive, you can purchase the PowerPoint version instead and upload that file to your Drive. It will convert it to a Google Slides document.