Movie Review – Deliver Us From Evil

WANNA WATCH SOMETHING REALLY GOOD & PLENTY SCARY? HOLY MOLY this was an awesome movie!! Deliver Us From Evil just hit Netflix, and so I assumed it was a Netflix movie, and it rocked my horror world! Not the scariest movie ever (for me) but scary enough for me to love it! It had my attention right to the very end.
Wanna know what the best part is? It’s inspired by real life events, in a book (that very cop’s own stories).
<— I heard about it by one of my Facebook friends, when she announced that the movie was on Netflix and based on her brother’s real-life experiences and his book (and that she herself had experienced some crazy stuff too – and is also featured in the book!). OMG IT’S A BOOK??? MINE!!!
It took me a bit to find it, ’cause it was originally (and in Kindle form) called “Beware the Night: A New York City Cop Investigates the Supernatural” but the print version and audio book has since been retitled to match the movie title “Deliver Us from Evil: A New York City Cop Investigates the Supernatural“.
So what’s it about?
A cop (and his partner) in the Bronx are on a case where people are acting crazy. Called to a zoo at night, where a woman threw her baby into a moat, and another situation where a husband is violent to his wife and kid… things like that. Things that seem like normal (albeit horrific) cases for them (abuse and psychosis or drug abuse causing violence) but the more they investigate, the more they uncover a connection between those they arrested, and are still looking for.
And then one of the cops (the main one of the story – “Sergeant Ralph Sarchie” – also the author of the actual book) starts seeing strange things, himself. Things that a young priest helps him understand and investigate further.
As I told the author’s sister:
It was EXCELLENT!!!!!! Great acting, so believable. Fantastic story, I was riveted and couldn’t look away. Good and scary!!!!! Thank you for telling us.
Now I need to read that book, and find out the crazy stuff that happened to you. Those are my favorite kinds of horror stories, especially the true stories. It always just blows my mind!
An amazing story, super scary and totally believable (if you believe in this kind of stuff, that is 😉 ). The actors were amazing, and my fiancé, who’s a cop, said the cops acting in this (which were throughout the entire movie), felt authentic. Their interactions with each other, on the case, with family etc… spot on! He confirmed it was well acted, and even captured him (though he won’t admit that ’cause he’s totally not into horror – especially not demonic possession stuff – still… I saw him. He was watching it 😉 ). And yet, he experienced a couple of jump scares, which is saying a lot.
And wow… after further research, this movie is from 2014?? How did I not know this one existed. This is right up my supernatural alley and exactly what I was looking for!!!
4.5 STARS for the movie. Now… onto the book.
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