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Employee Attrition: 7 Most Common Reasons Employees Quit

What Is Attrition And How Does It Affect Organizations?

Attrition describes the gradual decrease of workforce size as organizations fail to refill positions after employees leave, and it is a direct effect of high turnover rates. Attrition is detrimental not only to an organization’s financial state but also to its long-term success. When employees leave, companies lose valuable knowledge and expertise to their competitors. Therefore, employers need to pinpoint the reasons employees quit their jobs and look into the measures they need to take to solve these matters.

The 7 Most Common Reasons Employees Quit Their Jobs

1. Unsatisfactory Working Conditions

Lack of safety measures, inexistent job security, long hours, uncomfortable workspaces, and a toxic culture are the main factors that contribute to bad working conditions. For example, someone who continuously works overtime without compensation is more likely to suffer from stress and burnout. Oftentimes, managers keep pushing employees to go above and beyond their abilities under the threat of layoffs. Unconscious bias is another common issue that adds to a company’s toxic culture. Organizations that don’t carve out meticulous and fair policies create diversity issues that prevent certain employees from feeling included. Additionally, companies that don’t do as they say create confusion. For example, they might mention how important work-life balance is but not promote it within their teams.

2. Lack Of Career Development

Research revealed that the most common reason employees quit their jobs is a lack of advancement opportunities. Feeling stagnant and overlooked causes employee engagement and productivity to drop drastically until, eventually, they leave their positions. On the other hand, when organizations discuss career growth and offer employees a multitude of options and opportunities, they express their appreciation and desire to retain them. Corporations that offer training programs encourage employees to develop their skills and, thus, be even more efficient in their current roles. Also, they help them realize their true potential and strive for higher roles. Increased performance and satisfaction will have massively positive effects on any company.

3. Lack Of Recognition

A study revealed that 85% of employees want to hear the words “thank you” during their day-to-day interactions with colleagues and leaders. Not getting any recognition or appreciation decreases morale, motivation, and productivity. Therefore, employees are more likely to quit their jobs and paint a negative picture of their employer. Consequently, companies get a bad reputation and have a hard time attracting and retaining top talent. But recognition doesn’t solely require managers to praise employees; managers also offer constructive feedback. When employees are given guidelines and improvement methods, they will most likely work hard toward advancing their skills and achieving great results. On the other hand, when managers don’t offer any help or have regular check-ins with employees, any negative comment can catch them off guard.

4. Poor Leadership

Leaders who don’t perform their duties efficiently hurt a business both at the top and lower levels. When they lead without clarity, direction, and organization, a business spends its resources inefficiently, and growth opportunities are overlooked. Not being able to make good decisions keeps any organization from adapting to external changes, keeping up with its competition, and increasing profitability. Additionally, poor leadership results in disorganized work and employees who aren’t sure where to focus. As a result, managers are not respected or trusted by employees, whose feelings of dissatisfaction increase. Lastly, inadequate managers often have trouble accepting responsibility for their mistakes. Therefore, accountability isn’t taught to employees who also refuse to accept their wrongdoings and work to improve them. Their commitment decreases, and they may resort to absenteeism.

5. Low Salaries And Insufficient Benefits

Benefits don’t include only an employee’s monthly income but also bonuses, vacation time, health insurance, and rewards for top performance. While monetary gains aren’t the only thing workers care about, 70% say that they would leave their jobs if their paycheck wasn’t adequate. When employees feel like they are putting in too much work and meeting so many goals but don’t get compensated accordingly, their morale and motivation decrease. Organizations should keep in mind that paying the bare minimum will bring minimum effort and results from their workforce. Also, they must consider the fact that many competitors may try to snatch their top performers by making a better monetary offer.

6. Lack Of Flexibility

During the COVID-19 pandemic, people were asked to work from home, an accommodation that proved to be ideal for many. While some employers asked their workforce to return to the office full-time, others offered more flexibility, allowing them to work remotely a few times per month. In fact, 82% of the participants in a survey admitted that they would like to work from home once a week. Also, many employees would quit their jobs to find a more flexible option. When people enjoy flexibility at work, they can organize their breaks and meals, exercise during the day, and not have to endure the unbearable traffic on the streets. And while many organizations fear that working from home can make employees less productive, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

7. Diversity Deficiencies

All people need to feel accepted and respected, no matter their sexual identity, religion, race, or abilities. When leaders offer preferential treatment to certain employees over others, an environment of resentment is fostered. Some people may feel like they need to work twice as hard to get their manager’s attention and recognition. They may also feel like they need to demand equality in opportunities across all business areas. Such behavior can lead to burnout and may push employees to quit their jobs in search of a more diverse workplace. That’s why corporations must create equal and equitable workplaces and offer accommodations to employees based on their needs.

How Can Corporations Prevent Attrition?

After recognizing weaknesses, companies can move on to finding solutions that treat areas that contribute to attrition. Firstly, leaders must analyze their business needs and check whether they must make new hires based on their hard skills or if they should help current employees develop their soft skills. Helping individuals grow and evolve boosts engagement and productivity and, therefore, increases profitability. Learning shouldn’t stop after the onboarding process wraps up but instead continue throughout an employee’s journey in an organization. Mentoring will also help team members get a closer look at different roles and decide on their career trajectory. Lastly, leaders should conduct interviews with employees to ensure they are happy in their positions and note down any problems or complaints.


When multiple valuable employees quit their jobs every year, it can be challenging for companies to replace them with equally talented individuals. Even when they find skilled team members, it may take a while to train them and show them how they should conduct their daily tasks. As a result, corporate success is slowed down, and team dynamics keep being interrupted. Stability is crucial for organizations, employees, and customers since it fosters meaningful and trustworthy relationships. This way, personal and business goals are achieved quickly, and everyone gets a sense of satisfaction.

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