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Boosting Inclusiveness Using LMS With Certification Management

Leveraging LMSs With Certification Management For DEI

You plan to ensure that employees with diverse abilities and backgrounds consider your workplace inclusive. Inclusiveness in Learning and Development (L&D) often needs the most attention. This is why you might want to subscribe to a 508-compliant Learning Management System (LMS). How many people who attended training sessions have acquired the right knowledge? Are performance issues on the rise? How do you ensure that your LMS has indeed secured training success for all? An LMS with certification management offers incredible opportunities to make training and learning successful for all. You can help employees from diverse backgrounds, locations, roles, abilities, and physical challenges benefit optimally from training programs. Your company can avoid several unintentional bias issues in L&D by leveraging the certification management tool to boost inclusiveness. Let’s explore the best tips on how you can do this.

7 Ways To Use Certification Management In LMSs For Inclusivity

1. Tracking Employee Training Success

An LMS with a certification management tool helps you go beyond training attendance tracking. The tool has features that allow you to link certifications with test scores. For example, you can add values to ensure that certificates are generated only if a learner scores above 70% or 80%. You can then track certifications based on any parameter, such as role or location. It allows you to track training success based on how many employees can attain the certifications.

2. Identifying Learner Challenges

With a certification management tool, you can link unsuccessful training results with learner groups and find correlations and causes. The tool helps you dig deeper into the data of unsuccessful participants. You can go through their scorecards and get reports on the issues faced. You can compare this data with information from HR systems and identify patterns.

3. Offering Personalized Solutions

The insights into learner challenges help you address employees with learning difficulties in a constructive manner. For instance, your LMS might be accessible, but there might be technical issues for certain types of screen readers or sign interpreter tools. In that case, you can add custom features to solve these problems, or you could consult with LMS customer support to find effective solutions. Such practices also generate trust among your diverse employee groups.

4. Identifying Mentors And Leaders Through LMS

The certification management tool in an LMS also helps you identify the top performers. Through analytics, you can discover how these employees are performing in the workplace. The level of insights you get through the LMS becomes useful in identifying mentors and future leaders. The next step would be to offer virtual mentorship to learners facing difficulties. Such initiatives can go a long way toward improving training success metrics.

5. Tracking Support Experiences

An excellent LMS offers collaboration options that can be linked with certification data. Employees who could not get certifications can easily join a discussion board to share problems and find support. They can post queries, find tips and suggestions, and get personalized feedback. The LMS will also measure the success of such support, showing you how many of the low-performing participants got certifications after getting help.

6. Measuring Inclusiveness Through Feedback

It is difficult for employees with disabilities to experience training in the same way as those without the challenges. For some, comprehension of information depends solely on what they are hearing. Their inputs and responses are limited to speech-to-text and text-to-speech tools. By tracking certifications, your company can get to the root of why training is not giving the desired results for all employee groups. You can also include feedback in your certification tool to track experiences.

7. Improving Courses For Greater Training Success

An LMS with a certification management tool allows you to gauge the impact of training courses. It becomes possible to help employees solve learning issues through some simple measures. You can identify which training courses have minimum success values and revise or replace them. Such measures help you improve your L&D initiatives, offering incredible support to people from diverse backgrounds.


Making Learning and Development inclusive involves tremendous effort. It cannot be achieved just by having an accessible LMS. You need to have features to track certifications and link them with tools and initiatives that improve the experiences of diverse employee groups. Only through innovative measures and comprehensive support can you boost inclusiveness in a workplace using an accessible LMS. You can find out more information by consulting with an LMS provider that offers certification management tools.

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