Reader Question – The book where he thinks she married him for his money, so he makes her dance for his friends…

Rekha needs our book help! Ooooooooh THAT MAN!!! GRRRRR!!! But also, I feel like I’ve had this question before, so I’m going to backtrack and see if I can find it.
In the meantime…
She asks:
I am looking for a book author either Bella j or Bella King
h is first with H’s brother but for some reason ends up marrying H. H is under the impression that h married him for his wealth. Treats h very very badly making her dance topless is front of his friends and allowing friends to fondle her. (Yuck).
Finally having had enough h runs away. And finds out she is pregnant and has H’s baby. H searches for her and finally finds her and forces her to come back. Does not realise child is his.
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Finally realises h did not marry him for money and I think in the end agrees to h staying separate and vows to court her and win her love.
Though it is a dark romance (and absolutely yucky that H makes h entertain his friends) my morbid fascination wants to read this again.
Looking forward to help for finding this book
Anyone have a guess?
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