Reader Question – The book about the college roommates and she wants more but he keeps sleeping around despite knowing how she feels…

Jess needs our book help! Welp… sounds like the typical college experience. 😉 But also sounds like a grovel book, so YAY US!!
She asks:
Need the name of the book. This book is from what I remember, the new Adult college romance.
The h I’m pretty sure it was named Lily don’t remember the H name. They lived with a few friends in a house in college, she and he were very close, she wants more, he is a manwhore and keeps sleeping with girls even tho he knows she loves him.
He does have feelings for her tho too but he’s all messed up.
She gets hurt/ attacked, He finally comes to his senses but she’s done. He had to work really hard for it.
Pretty sure it’s in a series.
Anyone have a guess?
Carole: Hope someone knows the answer as I sure would like to read it. Love this trope!
Maryse: Me too!!! My absolute catnip!
Shanez: Beautiful Disaster
Maryse: I would have said that one too, except for the fact that HE’S the one that wanted more and she kept him at arms length, and then even broke up with him when they did try to be a couple. Though of course… he was the one sleeping around when she wouldn’t let him be her boyfriend and he was the one groveling. 😉
Lisa: Could it be Thoughtless by SC Stephens? Been a while since I’ve read it but sounds about right,
Maryse: Hrmmm… I don’t think so because they were having a full-on affair together, and she was in a serious relationship, so again, she was the one holding them back.
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