Reader Question… Solved! The book where she moves to be with her fiancé but falls for his friend… named Gavin. ;)

Shelly needs our book help! As I was reading her question, right off the bat it sounded like Thoughtless, but then she mentioned “Gavin” and bottlecaps, and it smacked me right on the head!!!
I remember GAVINNNNNN!!!! Who can forget?? Collide‘s “Gavin”!!!! <— So this is my guess.
She asks:
Hi Maryse,
Back in the day, I read ALOT of books and followed you daily on recommendations.
I’m stumped on finding a book I read several years ago about a couple that was engaged that moved to a different city and the girl fell for her fiancés friend named Gavin. There is a lot of back and forth of them hiding their feelings until it all comes out.
There is one scene that I remember them being at a beach house for a party and he’s alone in his room flipping bottlecaps in a cup. I remember it being a 2-book series.
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She ultimately ends up with him in the second book I believe. I know I read the book after reading some or all of the Thoughtless series by S.C. Stephens because I remember commenting on your blog about Gavin being hotter than Kellan Kyle.
I hope you can help me.
Shelly Mirus
Am I right?? Or does anyone have a different guess. 😉 I know you don’t. LOL!
Collide: Book One in the Collide Series
Jackie: Gavin Blake from Collide/Pulse. I’ve read those books a few times because I love Gail McHugh’s writing and I needed a Gavin fix.
Jean: …the one with the soda tabs…..Collide by Gail McHugh??? I freaking loved that book!!!
Shane: OMG guys, Collide is so good. I love Gavin and that Emily, she is something else… Those bottle caps tho…
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