Can You Name Sequels to These Best-Selling Novels?

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Can You Name Sequels to These Best-Selling Novels?
I count myself a huge fan of The New York Times’s game complex (we have family puzzle time with an iPad and the Connections/Wordle/Spelling Bee triumvirate every night). I am also a fan of how the NYT has expanded, in all kinds of ways, its book coverage over the last 10 years. And lastly, I was 5 for 5 in this quiz.
The National Book Awards Now Open To Anyone Living in the U.S.
This goes into effect March 13th, which is when the next year’s submission window opens. You don’t need a particular document or status, just that your primary residence is in the United States. Now that the Pulitzer is gearing up for a similar change, the two most prestigious American book awards can be called that without caveat.
Full Trailer for The Sympathizer
Part The Departed, part Le Carre, part Hunter S. Thompson. And set in post-war Vietnam. At least that’s how it looks. I know that he is the draw for most people (and this likely is not made with this kind of budget and backing without him), but I wish Robert Downey Jr. wasn’t in this. Or at least this much in this. We’ll see if this becomes HBO’s next appointment-viewing series. I hope so. And if not, pick up the book. It’s dynamite.
What I Discovered Clearing My Goodreads TBR
A good clean-out can teach you something about yourself, and this suggests that a clean-put of your to-be-read list might be particularly revealing.