Reader Question – The biker book where she goes to visit her dad (an MC Prez) and sparks fly with one of the club members…

Jen needs our book help! Lot s and lots of detail here, and she got it all from an excerpt she read, and she wants to read the book now. 😀
She asks:
I love your page and I am so hoping you and your members can help me out!
Sometime in the last few months I read an excerpt of A story in a tik tok ad. And I decided not to purchase or go through with it and now I’m stilllll thinking about this story and I wish I would have. Of course I can’t find it! It’s a MC theme.
A girl leaves her mom and life in CA and drives to go visit her Dad (pres of an MC) whom she hasn’t seen in years maybe since she was 8? But she does have a necklace or something that belonged to him. She gets intercepted by one of the MC members and of course sparks fly!
It goes on to describe meeting back up with her dad and it doesn’t go well so she leaves. The love interest is ordered to follow her. Meanwhile, the main characters mom shows up at the clubhouse looking for her daughter and is reunited with her w husband- queue steamy spicy scene on the clubhouse couch.
I know the main character took off in her car and went to a diner. I can’t remember much more!
I guess I must really want to read this at it’s still on my mind months later. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks so much and keep up the awesome page!
Anyone have a guess?
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