Book Review – The Long Walk by Stephen King

The Long Walk <— OMG ONE OF MY FAVORITE STEPHEN KING STORIES EVER!! And it’s on sale today! In fact, even though I’ve read it, I no longer have my paperback copy, so I’m one-clicking this one now!!
I remember everything about it, even where I was when I read it. I was in college, and it was a weekend at my then-boyfriend’s grandparents house. My boyfriend was having band practice with his crew, so I happily stayed behind, lying on her couch, my legs & feet propped up against the top of it, with her colorful knit afghan draped across the top and kept slipping down ’cause of my position.
Amy: Speaking of dystopian, I have to recommend an old one which was new to me a few years ago…The Long Walk by Stephen King. No romance but it is really good. REALLY good. And it’s Stephen King, so there’s that. 😉
Maryse: Stephen King’s “The Long Walk” <— what a nightmare!!! I mean, they had to *poop* while walking… just to stay alive!!! Or they’d get shot!!! GAH!
Anne: I was just telling my son about ‘The Long Walk’ by Stephen King. I probably read it 20 years ago, but will never forget it. And I spoke of the pooping and walking too!
And I simply devoured this CRAZY story. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t believe this author’s MIND!!!! It had my heart pounding, my thoughts racing, my jaw dropping (bathroom-needs realization scene, anyone?) and I had NO idea how it was going to end, but obviously… it had to end badly… right? After all, it’s a dystopian nightmare. That’s never good. I mean… good to READ yes, just not good to live. 😉 And what an ending it was.
P.S. It made my “Ten books that have stayed with me in some way…”
So what’s it about?
Now I’m backtracking from memory from my college days (and I read the paperback version so I won’t have any quotes for this review) but… it’s kind of like… a lottery? But I can’t remember if people volunteered for this, or if they were simply forced into it by the government?
It’s a long walk. Like I mean forever long, or at least until there’s only one person left, and then that person wins (anything they want for the rest of their lives).
If I can remember right, there are no breaks (not even bathroom breaks) so… you can imagine what a mess that’s going to be. If the walker stops for more then, I think… 3 seconds? They are shot dead, right there and then.
And this is told from the eyes of one of the contestants, and WOW. It is unforgettable. If you’ve ever wanted another jaw-dropping kind of realization story like “The Lottery“, you’ll find it here. Not in the story itself, but in how unforgettable it becomes, even over the years.
READ THIS!!! Read this for an exciting, scary journey where the terror and monsters are of a totally different kind. The human kind. ‘Cause HOLY. MOLY those can be the scariest kind.
5 STARS!!! <— This is MY kind of dystopian. Not too (or at all) scifi-y, just a real-feel setting and a study in humanity.
The Long Walk
ONE OF MY FAVORITE STEPHEN KING STORIES EVER!! And it’s on sale today, and here is my 5-STAR book review.
“…Against the wishes of his mother, sixteen-year-old Ray Garraty is about to compete in the annual grueling match of stamina and wits known as the Long Walk. One hundred boys must keep a steady pace of four miles per hour without ever stopping…with the winner being awarded “The Prize”—anything he wants for the rest of his life.
But, as part of this national tournament that sweeps through a dystopian America year after year, there are some harsh rules that Garraty and ninety-nine others must adhere to in order to beat out the rest.
There is no finish line—the winner is the last man standing. Contestants cannot receive any outside aid whatsoever. Slow down under the speed limit and you’re given a warning. Three warnings and you’re out of the game—permanently…”
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