Reader Question – The book where she breaks up with the rock star, and later, he follows her to the cold city she ran away to…

Abigail needs our book help! It’s a grovel novel!!! 😀
She asks:
Hello Maryse!
I’m looking for a book where (it’s a rockstar second chance romance).
The FMC has been involved in the party, sex and rock and roll scene for a while with her bf the MMC, after a while she decides that’s not what she wants anymore.
They breakup and she runs away to a cold place (like Alaska or Canada) and he ends up following her there like a year later. He hit rock bottom and is currently on hiatus from the band it turns out the girl had a baby and is currently a music teacher.
The MMC begins a road of groveling to win back the FMC the plot twist comes when
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it turns out the baby she had does not belong to him, she was SA the night they broke up and she ran from their hotel room, her baby was the product of that night.
The MMC is devasted but nontheless he accepts the baby as his. He ends building their dream home right their in that city she ran to
Anyone have a guess?
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