10 Splendiferous New SFF Books Out March 2024

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Hello, SFF readers! 2024 is march-ing right along (see what I did there?), and there are a ton of amazing science fiction and fantasy releases headed our way this month. It’s my theory that there are SO many books coming out in March and the following few months because publishers cut way back in the last few months of an election year. “More books in March, you say?” Yes! And with so many to choose from, how will you know where to start? Fear not, SFF lovers! That’s why I made this post of ten splendiferous new SFF books out in March 2024.
I love reading books about all kinds of different science fiction and fantasy stories. Aliens, djinn, space travel, faeries, magic, robots…But as much as I enjoy reading books about robots, if you’re like me, you don’t want robots to choose your books for you. I love recommendations from real! live! people! So I picked these books out just for you because I am not a robot. (Or am I?)
Included today are books about a Mars colony, a cozy found fantasy novel set in a space hotel, a romantasy about lovers who keep meeting in each lifetime, and a new book in a beloved YA series. There are also several more bonus titles to look over at the end, because I can’t stop, won’t stop. Are you ready to put this information in your brain? Let’s go!

Here in the (Middle) of Nowhere by Anastacia-Reneé (Amistad, March 12)
This is a collection of poetry, Afrofuturism, and flash fiction that asks mind-bending questions about the universe. In this book, there are many universes in (you probably guessed it) the middle of nowhere. What if a Black woman was god of one of the universes? What if Black women were gods of all the universes? What would the lives of all the characters and creatures on these inventive pages look like then? Anastacia-Reneé has some ideas.

Jumpnauts by Hao Jingfang, Ken Liu (translator) (S&S/Saga Press, March 12)
Spun from the award-winning novelette Folding Beijing, this is an exciting novel of first contact. In the future, the world is split into two factions, the Pacific League of Nations and the Atlantic Division of Nations. When three scientists from the Pacific discover that an alien race is sending messages to Earth, they attempt to make contact before the more aggressive Atlantic part of the world takes a harsher stance against the extraterrestrials. And in case you missed it, this novel is translated by the award-winning author Ken Liu!

Those Beyond the Wall by Micaiah Johnson (Del Rey, March 12)
We here at Book Riot are BIG fans of Johnson’s last novel, The Space Between Worlds. And this promises to be another exciting sci-fi mystery of murder and mystery set in the same world. Scales is a mechanic and fighter in Ashtown, outside the wealthy Wiley City. She’s also the only trusted member of the Emperor’s crew. But when an inexplicable murder happens, and soon more follow, Scales must track an unknown killer under the heart of Wiley City. And into her own past.

The Siege of Burning Grass by Premee Mohamed (Solaris, March 12)
Premee Mohamed has quickly become one of my auto-buy authors. This is the second of three books she has coming in 2024 (that we know about), a dystopian novel of war and resistance. It’s about a jailed pacifist named Alefret, who is offered a chance at his freedom by the enemy. In order to gain his life back, he must infiltrate the enemy city’s anti-war protesters and incite them to rise up. But maybe Alefret has an idea of how to just end war altogether.

Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis (DAW, March 19)
Cozy sci-fi fans, rejoice! This is a fun novel about a spaceship ship, which also happens to be a luxury hotel. No, not on Fhloston. The Grand Abeona Hotel sails around the solar system, offering the finest in space travel. Carl has been the manager of the hotel for a long time—and a passenger for even longer, ever since he hid onboard. He is at the heart of this story with plenty of mysteries. Like, who is driving the ship, and who is leaving love letters in the lobby? (Say that five times fast.) It’s also about found family, rebels and spies, secrets, and what makes a place a home.

Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland (Redhook, March 19)
From far in the future, we now travel wayyy back into the past. 60 CE in Britain, to be exact. This is a feminist fantasy retelling of the story of Herla and the Wild Hunt. Herla had hoped to save her people and her land from the Romans by making a deal with the king of the Otherworld. (Julia Roberts voice: Big mistake. Huge.) When she finally escapes the Otherworld, everyone is long gone, and she must carry out her days cursed. But a chance meeting with the queen of the land may help Herla break her curse. That is, if the ancient Otherworld magic doesn’t take over the land first.

The Mars House by Natasha Pulley (Bloomsbury Publishing, March 19)
Hard sci-fi space marriage of convenience? YES, PLEASE. On a terraformed colony on Mars, a ballet dancer-turned-refugee named January crosses paths with a horrible Mars politician, Aubrey Gale. Gale, who is from Mars and who is campaigning with a xenophobic platform. But when Gale’s political aspirations blow up in their face, they propose a deal with January. To appease the public and fix Gale’s image, they will wed. But as their relationship grows, January discovers Gale is different than their public persona. And he begins to worry someone is trying to kill Gale and destroy the colony.

The Emperor and the Endless Palace by Justinian Huang (MIRA, March 26)
In this epic fantasy debut, two men find each other and fall in love again and again for a lonnng time: 4 BCE to the present-day raves of Los Angeles. As these two men reunite and are drawn to each other without realizing their souls have met before, the universe conspires to throw danger and doom in their paths. Can two souls recognize one another from another life? And will they get a happily ever after?
Young Adult SFF New Releases

The Prisoner’s Throne: A Novel of Elfhame by Holly Black (Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, March 5)
For this, I am only going to tell you what I read in the description so I don’t spoil it. But if you don’t want any spoiler-y info, skip this and just go buy the book. You know it will be awesome — it’s Holly Black! This is the conclusion to the Stolen Heir duology. It’s set in the world of the bestselling Folk of the Air trilogy. The imprisoned Prince Oak, the eponymous stolen heir, must decide which side he will remain loyal to as war approaches. That is, if the king and queen can spring him from his icy prison first.

The Last Bloodcarver by Vanessa Le (Roaring Brook Press, March 19)
Last, but not least, a debut first book in an exciting new YA fantasy duology! Nhika is a bloodcarver, one who can change the physical form of another with a touch. In the city of Theumas, bloodcarvers are no longer revered for their healing skills. Instead, they are feared and hunted. When Nhika is captured, she is forced to use her gift of healing and winds up embroiled in a high-profile murder case. And it turns out the person she suspects of the killing isn’t who he claims to be. And something else terrible looms on the city’s horizon.
Bonus mentions: Because I can’t just stop at ten books, in March, be sure to watch for the kids and YA books The Poisons We Drink by Bethany Baptiste, Sona and the Golden Beasts by Rajani LaRocca, The Revenant Games by Margie Fuston, and The Encanto’s Daughter by Melissa de la Cruz.
In sequels, there’s Sunbringer (Fallen Gods Book 2) by Hannah Kaner, That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Human by Kimberly Lemming, and The Truth of the Aleke by Moses Ose Utomi.
And there are a TON of amazing SFF titles out in paperback, including The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera, The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty, In the Lives of Puppets by TJ Klune, A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon, and Strike the Zither by Joan He.