Reader Question – The book where the rodeo star cheated on his fiancé with a buckle bunny and both girls ended up pregnant…

Gillian needs our book help! HOLY MOLY this one sounds right up my he’s-in-trouble-alley. You’ll see why as the question goes on. Now I have to know, too!!
She asks:
Hi Maryse!
I have been looking for this book for ages. It’s driving me nuts.
The book is about a cowboy who was in the rodeo who got a buckle bunny pregnant and married her but he didn’t know the girlfriend or fiance he abandoned was also pregnant.
The heroine left and went to live with her father away from their hometown.
The son with the OW had austism. The ow left him after giving birth upon learning it.
The heroine had a daughter and they went back to their town the kids became classmates.
I can’t find this book again. Please help!
GASP!!!! Anyone have a guess?
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