Fern Ronay’s “Better Believe It” is now available in Kindle Unlimited & we have fun facts!

Better Believe It <— HER LIFE ON SOCIAL MEDIA APPEARS PERFECT BUT SHE’S NOT FEELING SO HAPPY IN REAL LIFE (but there’s more)!! AND!! IT’S NOW free to read in Kindle Unlimited!!
So what’s it about?
Jada Marlone’s life appears to be perfect on social media. She has a loving husband, a beautiful child, and a successful career. What she doesn’t post about is the disconnect she feels in her marriage, the difficulties of motherhood, and her strained relationship with her mother.
Resigned to never being truly happy, Jada runs into an ex-boyfriend. While trying to decide whether the coincidence is her second chance at happiness, Jada begins having dreams that feature her dead cousin Gina.
With Gina’s help, Jada starts to uncover the real reasons behind her life decisions. As Jada tries to figure out her future, uncontrollable events threaten her resolve. Will she be able to draw from all she learned from Gina, or will she risk making the same mistakes twice?
FUN FACTS about Better Believe It:
1. The book is called Better Believe It. What should we believe?
Ha! Well, someone says this phrase in the book, and what they want the main character to believe is that we are all guided by our loved ones who have passed. In my first book, Better in the Morning, the protagonist is guided by her dead, Italian grandparents. And in Better Believe It, Jada is guided by her cousin.
2. How do they guide us?
I believe when we go to sleep at night, we can communicate on a different plane with loved ones who have gone before us. There’s a reason things often seem better in the morning. We don’t remember these visits – they are really visits, rather than dreams – but they happen and we can be confident as we move through the day that when a thought or gut feeling comes to us, it came from somewhere, it is a message. If you’re working something out, if something is troubling you, get a good night’s sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning and the answer will come to you at some point, maybe right when you wake up or later in the day, or later that week. When it does, thank your guides. They want to help you and it is a gift to them to acknowledge their help.
3. The main character is often described as difficult to like at first. Why?
Jada is a pineapple – prickly on the outside, sweet on the inside. She is struggling and wants to present only one side of her life to the world, and even to herself. She was a subordinate character in my first book Better in the Morning and she was one of those people who acted one way (bold, confident, even harsh at times) but was another way deep down (vulnerable, insecure). She “stabs” a few people with her thorns but don’t worry, she learns, and she changes.
4. What is Jada struggling with?
Her main struggles over the course of the book are that she is unhappily married and has a difficult relationship with her mom and sister. But, you wouldn’t know it from social media! The journey for Jada is getting to the root of who she is and what she truly wants.
5. What is her cousin like?
She is as prickly as Jada. Tough, but with the perspective of being on the other side now and seeing things from that viewpoint. From there, she is able to lead Jada toward the path that will see her change and grow.
6. You say visits are different than dreams. What does that mean?
Dreams have kind of an underwater feeling. Visits, if you remember them, are very tactile, they quite literally feel real. If you are fortunate to remember a visit, you’ll know. But, even if you don’t remember them, and we often don’t, we still meet with our loved ones who have passed when we sleep. And we still get guidance from them in many ways – a gut feeling, a sign from the other side like a penny, which is the sign in Better in the Morning, or a leaf, which is the sign in Better Believe It. And when you get the message, you know.
7. What’s next?
I’m going to be re-releasing my podcast episodes on John Edward’s Evolve Plus app. The podcast is called Signs from the Other Side. And I’m working on my next book, which is about reincarnation. The tentative title is Better Than Ever. It is the story of two souls who meet in two lifetimes – in 1883 England and 2004 New York City. It explores the idea of learning the lessons our souls are meant to learn to evolve and, if we don’t learn them, are we bound to repeat them in a next life?
8. Where can readers reach you?
I love connecting with readers and I love hearing everyone’s stories of signs from the other side! I am on all social media @FernRonay and my website is FernRonay.com
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