Postgraduate Certificate Through eLearning Platforms

Advancing Your Career With Efficiency
The idea of going back to school is at once appealing and overwhelming for many professionals who love to learn but don’t like college loans and cramming for tests. You reach a certain point in your life where those things just don’t feel feasible anymore. Ah, but surely there is another way. Postgraduate certificates to the rescue! These certifications allow you to advance as a professional and expand your skillset without enrolling in another two- or four-year program. In this article, we take a look at what they are and how you can use them to advance your career.
What Is A Postgraduate Certificate?
A postgraduate certificate is an endorsement that you receive after you have already completed your master’s degree. They are available in a wide range of different professions and can help tremendously in learning new skills. They are particularly common in professions that have a continuing education requirement. For example, nurses and teachers will often seek postgraduate certificates both as a way of enhancing their skillset and of satisfying their licensing obligations at the same time.
What Are The Benefits Of A Postgraduate Certificate?
Postgraduate certificates have the potential to increase your salary and boost your eligibility for career advancement opportunities. Graduate degrees are already an excellent way to elevate your resume, but if you want to give yourself an increased edge, postgraduate certificates will be your best bet. While there are most certainly PhD opportunities within your discipline area, these degrees are primarily for people who intend to work in an academic setting. For example, college professors or administrators.
If you are hoping to work in a more professional capacity, postgraduate degrees are an excellent way to expand your skills and boost your marketability in the same move. Pro tip? Find out if your current employer has the resources available for supporting employees in their continuing education initiatives. If you work in education or healthcare, the answer will probably be yes.
How Long Does It Take To Get A Postgraduate Certificate?
The length of time it takes to complete your certification requirements can range pretty significantly depending on the program. Basically, it’s a miniature college curriculum. You might find, for example, that a certificate requires 18 credit hours, achieved through 6 courses. The courses themselves may take eight weeks each to complete.
How long this—admittedly hypothetical—certificate will take to complete depends on how much time you can devote to it. Taking all six at once probably won’t be feasible. You may find that it takes six to eight months to fulfill all of the requirements. While that is a rough estimate of how long a postgraduate certificate program will take to complete, keep in mind that there are tons of variables that can influence requirements.
Top Postgraduate Certificates
There is no literal top postgraduate certificate. Choosing the right one is mostly about deciding what you are passionate about. For example, if you are in nursing, you may look for postgraduate certificates that reflect the aspects of the job you are most passionate about. You can get certificates in psychiatric care, or neonatal health, or data-driven healthcare practices, and so on.
The same is true for educators. There, you may find certificates for eLearning, early childhood education, and school administration. School administration is a particularly popular option because it allows you to qualify for administrative positions—many of which command competitively high salaries—in around eight weeks instead of three years.
Why Should You Get One Through eLearning?
While you can complete postgraduate certificates in person, online learning platforms make them a little bit more accessible. Most people receiving these certificates are already working in a professional career. They may not have time to drive 30 minutes each way every night to sit down in a physical classroom.
eLearning platforms also give you the opportunity to diversify your instruction options. When you participate in traditional brick-and-mortar learning you are pretty much limited to the educators in your area. While they are probably awesome, they may not be world-class experts in your subject area. eLearning platforms give you the opportunity to learn from anyone, regardless of where they are located. Bottom line? If you are committed to continuing your education but don’t know how to manage it while balancing your personal and professional obligations, eLearning platforms will be your best friend.
How Do You Evaluate The Quality Of An eLearning Platform?
You should certainly research any program you are considering, regardless of whether it is online or in-person. The first step should be to make sure that the organization is properly accredited. Many professional disciplines are monitored by third parties that evaluate the quality of various programs. For example, in nursing, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education reviews college curriculums to make sure that they are adequately meeting federal standards.
Of course, “legally compliant” is not necessarily a ringing endorsement, but rather the very least that most people expect from their educational opportunities. You can further vet a program’s quality by paying attention to what former students say about it. You’ll find no shortage of reviews online—including some that pertain to specific instructors.
Finally, find out what people within your professional network think about the program you are considering. Chances are very high that someone you know will be aware of it. If they aren’t, it may say something not so good about that platform.
You may find, as many do, that you are never truly done learning. Postgraduate certificates are built around that idea, that there are always more knowledge areas to acquire and new skills to develop. As a short-term and affordable post-college learning opportunity, these courses are an excellent way to stay in touch with modern developments in your field and make sure that you are always at the top of your game.
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