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How To Introduce eLearning To Early Childhood Learners

eLearning For Little Learners

Early childhood education is no longer limited to classrooms. Thanks to the increased usage of smartphones and the internet, there are now tons of captivating online learning apps for kids. However, this shouldn’t mean giving your little ones uncontrolled access to the internet or unlimited screen time. Introducing kids to eLearning is about taking them by the hand and showing them how to begin their learning journey through engaging activities, perfect for their age and abilities. Let’s see the best practices to guide early childhood learners into the world of online learning and how you can prepare them for the digital world they’re born into.

How Does Early Childhood Learning Work?

Little minds are like sponges; they soak up knowledge fast, so it’s important to know the process behind this. From the day they’re born up until the age of 8, kids go through crucial cognitive and developmental stages. Their environment helps them shape the way they understand the world around them, whether it’s by answering their endless questions or helping them discover new interests. Early childhood sets the foundation for their future learning patterns and preferences, so educators and caregivers should prepare them well. Technology plays a significant role in this since, with the right tools and platforms, you can enhance their cognitive and social skills, creativity, and imagination.

5 Ways To Enroll Early Childhood Learners In Online Courses

1. Choose The Right Tools

Not all early childhood learners acquire knowledge the same way, and this has to do with their age. So, when searching for the perfect online learning tool for your little one, focus on age-appropriate eLearning platforms. Keep in mind that they should have a simple design so it’s easier for kids to navigate them. You want to look for a tool with bright colors and large, fun graphics to ignite your child’s curiosity. As far as content is concerned, it should align with all the developmental stages the kid will go through. This means that it must adapt to changing needs as your child grows. For example, you can’t expect them to be interested in toddler apps at the age of 6.

2. Design Engaging eLearning Activities

Kids should feel like learning is as fun as playtime. This is why educators and caregivers have an important task: to craft or find the most engaging eLearning activities. Interactive content is a great start since it lets them engage with the learning material. It’s a more meaningful learning process, allowing them to learn through practical and playful interactions with the content. But since we’re talking about young individuals with a huge imagination, you shouldn’t forget storytelling. Sharing short stories in the lessons and allowing them to see them come to life through videos or images will completely change their perspective on learning, making them want to engage further.

3. Implement eLearning

Early childhood learners have plenty of chances to take eLearning courses. Whether it’s at daycare, preschool, or home, you can try different ways of implementing online learning tools in your kids’ routines. For instance, preschools can invest in tablets or computers with age-appropriate apps, with teachers being the little learners’ guides. Similarly, at daycare centers, kids can have dedicated screen time to engage with eLearning content that helps them enhance their skills. At home, however, parents need to be extra careful with screen time and how they help their little ones with their learning apps. It’s easy for them to stray away from rules when they’re in a familiar space, so there must be a balance between tablets and other activities.

4. Train Educators And Parents

Both teachers and parents need to know that it’s not enough to just load a tablet with educational apps. They must use these tools carefully and responsibly to help early childhood learners shape their learning journey. For a start, educators need to feel comfortable with technology and know their way around the apps and software used by kids. They must be well-trained and ready to troubleshoot and aid learners whenever needed. Of course, their training shouldn’t stop there, as new technologies emerge all the time. Parents, on the other hand, have a more difficult task. They are required to monitor their kids’ progress, help them with their eLearning activities, and offer solutions, all at the same time, without prior experience in teaching. Their training can start with informative one-on-one sessions with their kids’ educators or workshops and seminars.

5. Ensure Quality

The trickiest part of implementing eLearning early on in a child’s life is measuring effectiveness. You need to know if the activities are successful, and to do that, you must pay attention to specific metrics. You should keep track of children’s engagement levels, notice if they easily understand the subjects, and, most importantly, if they have fun engaging with the content. To dig a little deeper, though, and get more meaningful insights, you should also keep track of their achievements and activity in the app. Are they completing color games much faster than number games? How long does it take them to master each task? Those insights will help you improve your strategy and, thus, their learning outcome.

How To Overcome Challenges

Addressing Fears

There’s a common fear that eLearning will replace traditional education and isolate younger generations, especially when introduced at an early age. With moderate use, eLearning is an asset that enhances teachers’ abilities and becomes an extra tool in their arsenal. It is widely used to boost traditional classroom settings and offer early childhood learners opportunities that they may not have otherwise had due to cost or location. So, as with all technologies, if used correctly, eLearning can do wonders for your child’s learning experience.

Screen Time Concerns

Of course, too much screen time isn’t good for your kid’s development. However, this doesn’t mean that eLearning is dangerous. All you have to do is monitor the time they spend on learning apps or get them a device with parental controls. Try helping them get used to outdoor activities, too, or set up play dates with their peers. If your kids stay at home all day and have nowhere to express their active nature, then they’re most likely to resort to more screen time. So, make sure to strike the perfect balance between learning and playing.


The benefits of eLearning for kids are endless, although they aren’t without risk. As an educator or parent, you need to thoroughly research and find what’s best for young learners, preparing them as well as possible for the digital world. The quest for improving learning outcomes and experiences is endless, so make sure to continuously look for the most innovative ways to boost your children’s learning journey.

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