Mandatory Compliance Training – eLearning Industry

How Can Compliance Training Make A Difference?
Mandatory compliance training is now a requirement for companies. They have to do it to avoid fines, as it is mandatory due to federal laws. OSHA has mandated that the employees must have complete knowledge about workplace safety. They should know the emergency action plans, like what to do if a fire breaks out on the premises. They should also have first aid training in case anyone gets injured on the job due to a workplace accident. Accidents can occur for many reasons, including hazardous materials, someone falling on a wet floor, or accidents caused by heavy machinery. Therefore, employees should have been taught to wear PPE when handling unsafe materials. Employees should also be taught how to read the labels on the containers of unsafe chemicals so that they follow all the handling precautions. Safety data sheets always accompany such materials, and employees should have been taught how to interpret them.
Some Types Of Mandatory Compliance Training
The employees should have complete knowledge of first aid which includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation in case of any accidents. There can be all kinds of accidents that can take place in a company, like a fire. So employees must have been trained on quick evacuation routes, and first aid in case someone gets serious burns. There can also be natural disasters like earthquakes in which mandatory evacuation is again necessary.
Respiratory Protection Training
Respiratory protection training is crucial in industries where there are airborne chemicals in the air, like construction. Employees can inhale these chemicals and develop ailments such as lung disease. Therefore, they must be wearing a PPE kit and using a respirator all the time. A respirator is a filtering device that has been designed to protect its wearer from inhaling any dangerous airborne chemicals and even viruses. Wearing this is mandatory for those workers who are regularly exposed to chemicals such as asbestos so that they don’t inhale it.
Lockout Training
This kind of training is essential for employees who work with heavy machinery. This is because when the machinery is being repaired, they need to refrain from switching it back on. All the energy sources should be locked out at that time. Any starting up of the machinery under such conditions when a worker is unaware of the situation can cause amputation of limbs.
Fall Protection Training
This kind of training can make sure that fall protection equipment is used so that workers don’t fall from heights in the construction industry and injure themselves. Harnesses are used by workers and are attached to a fall protection point so that not much damage is caused if they fall from a height. Most harnesses cover the shoulders and then go over the groin area so that the fall effect is mitigated. Lanyards are used to attach the harnesses to the attachment point, so there is not much impact in case of a fall. The company can also use safety nets so that if workers fall, they fall on them and not on the ground, preventing injuries.
Blood-Borne Pathogens Training
This is mandatory in hospitals where doctors can be exposed to them. Training doctors is important when they are dealing with the blood of patients who suffer from blood-borne diseases. They must comprehend that blood-borne pathogens are dangerous and know what to do if they come into contact with them.
Doctors must wear PPEs to ensure that patients with such diseases don’t infect them with the pathogens. After they are finished working on the patient, they should discard the PPE they used. This is important because the PPE can contain pathogens that can affect other patients. There is also a specific way of removing the PPE from the body of a doctor to mitigate risks of contagion, and this must be taught.
If a doctor has been exposed to blood-borne pathogens, immediate steps must be taken to prevent illness. The doctor should be injected with the Hepatitis B vaccine so that they do not develop an infection. After the doctor has treated a patient, surgical knives must be cleaned properly, the gloves used must be disposed of, and hands washed properly to prevent an infection. These are the various kinds of mandatory compliance training required for protecting employees in dangerous situations.
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