5 Cozy Fantasy Books Being Read for the Read Harder Challenge

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This year, we’ve been experimenting with the format of the Read Harder newsletter. My favorite part of doing this newsletter has been chatting with you all in the comments, trading recommendations, and cheering each other on as we make our way through the tasks. On Thursdays, I’ve been updating you on my current progress through the 2024 Read Harder Challenge, but I thought I’d try something new today.
If you’re not in the comments section, you’re missing the best part of Read Harder: connecting with like-minded readers! So, in addition to letting you know what I’ve been reading lately, today I’ve also rounded up some of the book titles being shared in the comments section for the first task of the challenge: Read a cozy fantasy book.
Oh, but one more thing before we get into cozy fantasies! If you’re looking for a virtual event to attend for task #4, I just heard about one happening this weekend! VirtuousCon includes special guests N.K. Jemisin, Tanarive Due, Victor LaValle, and more. It may be a quick turnaround to read the book before attending the event, but I give you official permission to reverse the order and read the book after the event, if you’d like.
Now, let’s get into cozy fantasies!
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