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Exploring The Concealed Inequalities Of Remote Work

Exploring The Concealed Inequalities Of Remote Work

Improved work-life balance, no commute, increased free time, and workplace flexibility are all benefits that remote (or hybrid) employees enjoy now that the work-from-home movement has become such an integral part of the job market. But do all employees enjoy such a positive experience? Is it possible that the WFH model has created some inequalities in the workplace, which leaders are struggling to identify and manage? In this article, we delve into the hidden inequalities of remote work that have emerged in these last few years and ways in which organizations can address them to increase work satisfaction for remote employees.

Factors That Contribute To Inequality Among Remote Workers

There are many factors that can create or aggravate inequality in the workplace. Let’s look at a few of them.

1. Inadequate WFH Space And Environment

Working remotely requires employees to have a dedicated space in their home that is adequately comfortable and quiet. This is not a possibility for everyone, though. Many remote employees find themselves working in the kitchen, the living room, or on their beds since their homes are not big enough to accommodate a separate home office. Things become even harder for those who share an apartment or have kids around. Lacking the necessary conditions to perform your tasks can lead to distractions, decreased productivity, and body aches from sitting in uncomfortable positions for extended periods.

2. Technological Divide

A common inequality of remote work is access to technology. The success of the WFH model depends heavily on equipment quality, and it’s understandable that not everyone can afford the latest tech. Even when organizations provide their employees with company computers, there could still be issues with internet connectivity or speed, which could cause disruptions and productivity loss. This inequality is especially apparent in low-income households or rural communities, further deepening the gap between employees who can afford a home office and high-quality equipment and those who struggle with old technology, poor internet connection, and other distractions.

3. Decreased Visibility And Career Advancement

When a workplace abruptly switches to a fully remote model, the ways in which career dedication and efficiency are measured shift. In traditional work settings, leaders could assess how engaged an employee was by monitoring overtime and face time in the workplace. However, when working remotely, the former is less visible, and the latter significantly decreases, leading employers to false assumptions. These can affect an employee’s visibility and, therefore, career advancement opportunities—more so when there are employees who still work on-site or have regular communication with supervisors. This phenomenon is known as proximity bias, and it’s essential for leaders to be mindful of it so that employees don’t feel undervalued.

4. Gender Disparities

Remote work can also exacerbate inequalities between men and women in the workplace. Women, who often bear the majority of household and caregiving responsibilities, may struggle to balance their personal and professional lives, especially when they coexist in the same space. For example, during the pandemic, many women struggled to keep up with work responsibilities as online schooling made childcare a more pressing issue. When women take on extra domestic tasks on top of their work, they are put at a disadvantage in comparison to their male colleagues, often impacting their earnings and professional development opportunities.

5. Blurred Lines Between Personal And Professional Life

We just discussed how remote work can blur the line between personal and professional lives for women. However, this is a phenomenon that is not gender-specific. Even though working from home promises an improved work-life balance, this is often not the case. The lack of physical boundaries between home and work can lead employees to work longer hours, rarely with additional compensation. Additionally, they adopt an “always on” mentality, constantly checking and responding to emails since they are always connected to their job via phone or laptop. This can cause disproportionate stress and potentially impact mental health, leading to burnout.

How Can Organizations Address These Inequalities?

It’s possible that many of these inequalities of remote work have emerged due to the newness of this concept and will naturally improve in years to come. Still, organizations can take some measures to mitigate their effects and make life easier for their remote workforce.

Firstly, they must reconsider their policies, making them more inclusive and accommodating to employees with diverse needs, such as caregiving responsibilities. They could reinforce (or implement) a group health insurance plan that includes mental health support to protect their physical and mental wellness. Undoubtedly, providing the necessary hardware, software, and internet stipend will also promote equality in working conditions. In addition, training programs will prepare employees for the changes that remote work will bring, as well as help them develop their skillsets so that their professional development is not put on the back burner. Finally, leaders must remember to continuously stay in close contact with their employees and gather feedback to address concerns and recognize achievements.


Inequalities in remote work have existed and will probably continue to exist in the future, as it is a complicated matter that organizations don’t have enough experience with. From disparities in technological access, working conditions, and so on, various reasons could cause a divide among employees, benefiting some more than others. But if organizations take the time to identify and understand these challenges, they will certainly be able to take the necessary steps to overcome them and give all employees a pleasant remote work experience.

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