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Reader Question – The book about the couple that are dating in college, and another girl is blackmailing him…

EB needs our book help! Ohhh sounds infuriating!! I kind of love those. 😉

She asks:


I’m desperate to track down the title of this book, they are actually a duet.

The FMC and MMC are young/college age and start dating, but in the first book its discovered that the MMC is being blackmailed by the daughter of a family friend (I forget what dirt she has on him).  She basically forces him to sleep with her and the FMC discovers this.

In the second book he tries to win her back and she’s living in the same house as him because she can’t afford to move out…..

help me please its driving me crazy!

Anyone have a guess?

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➔➔➔  Love this trope? Browse more features and reviews on my blog of books that include infidelity issues.


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