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The Case Study In eLearning: 10 Implementation Tips

The Case Study Approach In eLearning: How To Make It Work

In wake of the rising demand for an alternate way of learning and training, several organizations invested heavily in their L&D departments. As a result, the eLearning concept emerged from the expended time and effort that could meet the rising demand, and even surpass the need by providing the developers a great opportunity to present the training sessions more interactively. The developed courses started to interact with the learners in the form of interactivities, scenarios, simulations, and gamification that not only reduced the learners’ cognitive load but also increased the knowledge retention rate. However, there’s a strategy that was left untapped most of the time, though it had an enormous power to educate the learner: the case study.

Most SMEs prefer scenario-based courses or guided avatar approaches as they interact with the learner in a direct way, which is unimaginable in the case of following a case study strategy. However, the information provided by these strategies is far less in comparison to the case study ones. While the prior strategies focus on the interactive way of approach, the latter concentrates on the information that shall be delivered to the learner, as it negates an interactive approach.

A Few Benefits Of The Case Study Approach

Here are a few reasons why the case study approach can benefit the learner:

  • Case studies are the first line of contact with the future work environment.
  • Relevant learning materials can be relayed to the learners.
  • Case studies provide complex knowledge which is impossible through other ways.
  • The impact of case studies is higher though it requires a higher level of understanding.

Tips For The Implementation Of The Case Study In eLearning

Thinking of implementing the case study approach? Here are a few tips to create an interactive case study:

1. Create Branching Scenarios

Using a branching scenario helps the learner to understand the flow of the content easily without any cognitive load. Every choice leads them down a different path, which results in a specific outcome. For example, the case study reveals that a particular group failed to reach its goal. Online learners have the power to take a different approach to resolve the issue.

2. Emotionally Connect With Compelling Stories

One of the major drawbacks of case studies is that they lack emotionality. Hence, such courses can be enhanced by framing the case study with a compelling plot and eLearning characters.

3. Develop Interactive Online Presentations

Some case studies may need to be in action to grasp the learner’s attention. A historical case study presentation may include an interactive timeline and contextual backstory. Incorporate clickable hot spots that explore different aspects of the situation.

4. Turn Case Studies Into Immersive eLearning Simulations

Develop an immersive eLearning simulation around your case study and invite online learners to reenact the eLearning events. Then encourage them to come up with solutions that achieve the most favorable outcome.

5. Design A Story-Centered Serious Game

Online learners get the chance to progress through levels, find objects, and earn points. Each stage of the serious game highlights a different aspect of the trend or sequence of eLearning events. In the end, they can compare their solution to the one that occurred in the case study to identify areas for improvement or personal strengths.

6. Incorporate Quizzes Or Assessments

Insert quizzes or assessments at various points to reinforce key concepts and check the learner’s understanding. This can also provide feedback and guide them through the learning process.

7. Provide Feedback Mechanisms

Offer feedback on the decisions or choices made by learners. Constructive feedback helps them understand the consequences of their actions and reinforces learning objectives.

8. Allow For Exploration And Discovery

Design the case study to allow learners to explore and discover information rather than presenting everything upfront. This mimics the process of investigating and gathering data in real-life situations.

9. Include Realistic Data And Information

Use realistic data and information to simulate the complexity of real-world situations. This adds authenticity to the case study and helps learners apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

10. Encourage Collaboration

Design the case study to promote collaboration among learners. This could involve group discussions, forums, or collaborative problem-solving exercises. Interaction with peers can provide diverse perspectives and enhance the learning experience.


Case studies may not be the ideal solution for every eLearning course. However, you can make them more flexible and versatile by adding interactivity. It also gives you the power to appeal to different learning preferences. As such, you appeal to more online learners and enhance the benefits of your eLearning course.

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