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How To Overcome Self-Doubt And Be Resilient In The Workplace

What Is Self-Doubt And How Does It Manifest Itself?

Some confuse self-doubt with humility, thinking that not firmly believing in one’s capabilities is healthy. However, self-doubt is vastly different since it forms a mindset that keeps people behind and strips them of their confidence to achieve their goals. Venturing into unknown depths and accepting new opportunities can be scary and take a lot of courage and mental power. Instead of focusing on the process, some of us tend to imagine a possibly negative outcome, and that’s what fills us with doubt. Imposter syndrome is very similar to this state of mind and pushes employees to believe they do not belong in the successful position they are in. Overcoming self-doubt and any limiting thoughts takes time and work, but if team members have the right tools, they can do it successfully.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of Self-Doubt?

Not receiving the attention one craves while growing up can create feelings of doubt. Having to constantly fight for someone’s affection makes people feel that they are not enough to receive it. Additionally, those who grow up with narcissistic parents tend to distance themselves from this behavior and become the exact opposite: unconfident. That’s why they may find it too hard to accept praise and own their successes. Individuals often use self-doubt as a “tough love” tool to increase their motivation. While this tactic isn’t bad, when it happens in the form of harsh criticism, it leads to self-sabotage. Lastly, past failures can negatively impact one’s mindset and make them think that they are unable to succeed. They fear that no matter how much they try, they will fail.

7 Ways To Overcome Self-Doubt And Gain Resilience

1. Recognize Limiting Beliefs

People have goals and dreams that they sometimes ignore and avoid trying to achieve. Asking themselves, “Why am I doing this?” helps them identify the cause. It’s probably a belief that they are incapable or worthy of such an accomplishment. Next, it’s crucial to question the validity of these limiting thoughts. Are they supported by real facts, or are they baseless beliefs rooted in self-doubt? Shifting one’s mindset from negative to positive thoughts is not easy or quick and might require significant effort. However, it can be a game-changer when it comes to your perspective on life in general.

2. Practice Self-Compassion

Self-doubt holds employees back, leaving them in constant fear of possible mistakes and failure. While it’s easy to show compassion to others, we may have a hard time behaving similarly to ourselves. A study showed a strong correlation between happiness, improved well-being, and self-compassion. As a result, they experience greater satisfaction in their lives, higher self-esteem, and increased emotional resilience. Treating oneself with kindness and nurturing starts an inner dialogue that promotes positive thinking and removes limiting beliefs. Mistakes and failure do happen, but remembering to honor ourselves no matter the outcome is crucial to our well-being and our efforts to overcome self-doubt.

3. Avoid Comparisons

Human DNA is made to seek respect and status in the groups to which each person belongs. Comparing our abilities and talents to those of others helps us position ourselves among them. But there is always someone who does better than us in some capacity. This person may have acquired more talents and experience and accomplished more in their field, for example. When an individual feels less than everyone else, they start doubting themselves. Remember, though, that everyone’s journey differs. Instead of focusing on others’ strengths, we should focus on our own lives and passage through life and work. Limiting the use of social media will help further in doing so. Bear in mind that many often share only their highlights there, not their lowlights.

4. Remember Past Achievements

Acknowledging triumphs might be harder than expected. Through self-reflection, we can take a trip back in time and think of all the amazing things we have achieved. Thinking about failure or misfortunes can also be a positive experience. Focus not on the failure but on the valuable lessons you learned during an incident and try to recall your mentality during a successful moment. Maybe you were stressed and overly doubting, but your efforts weren’t in vain. Journaling might be a great tool for writing everything down and looking at it every time self-doubt creeps in.

5. Develop Growth Mindset

To overcome self-doubt and develop a growth mindset, we need to understand that setbacks aren’t hints that we should stop trying. They may even serve as a motivating power to dial up the efforts and not repeat the same mistakes. We should not focus on the outcome and have negative thoughts but, instead, direct our attention toward the process. We should keep pushing and challenging ourselves to grow. Additionally, we must be open to feedback and new ideas that will help us evolve. When all our efforts finally bring results, we should take a moment and enjoy it. Congratulating ourselves isn’t self-indulgence but self-acknowledgment.

6. Invest In Self-Care

Have you ever noticed your mood improving after going to the gym or for a walk in the park? Physical activity is a well-known stress reliever that helps get rid of fatigue and treat symptoms of anxiety and depression. Similarly, a healthy diet can impact mood and help shield against illness. A healthy body and mind are more likely to overcome difficulty, regardless of the stress. Moreover, it’s pivotal to prioritize sleep over other activities. No matter any challenges at work, getting a good night’s sleep improves mood. Lastly, it’s okay to set boundaries regarding certain activities and people.

7. Set Realistic Goals

Setting achievable, measurable, relevant, and time-bound goals helps us confidently proceed through every step. This way, we build self-efficacy. Achieving smaller goals, receiving feedback, and building positive memories move us up the stairway, leading to resilience. Not everyone benefits from viewing the bigger picture since it might feel overwhelming and unattainable. Focusing on each small task at a time gives us time to center our attention and take accountability when we succeed.


Overcoming self-doubt can feel intimidating and seem out of reach for many. However, adapting to difficult and stressful situations helps us build resilience, which means having the emotional, mental, and behavioral flexibility to stand up against challenges. This process isn’t completed overnight, and it might take years to develop this skill. Being resilient does not mean no longer feeling stress but powering through this emotion and succeeding despite the trials and tribulations we may experience.

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