Reader Question – The book where the rancher meets her at a party that they enter with a golden ticket…

Faheema is looking for this book! Ahhhh the golden ticket. I used to be obsessed with those. I remember the days when I was a kid and wanted to find the golden ticket SO bad in the Willy Wonka stuff. Or was it Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that I’m thinking about, and I was just “Charlie” for the entire time that I read that book, that I felt as if it were me looking for that ticket?

Er… I digress. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is NOT the book she’s looking for. 😂  Here are her details.

She asks:


Im looking for a harlequin/millsnboon romance book.

It’s about a rancher…meets heroine at some party that they enter with a golden ticket…

she has 2 nephews.. hides them from him… one cant speak.. his name’s chip…


Anyone have a guess?

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