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YouTube Video Ideas And How To Create A YouTube Channel

Why Creating A YouTube Channel And Sharing Videos Is Essential

The average attention span has decreased a lot in recent years. This means that your potential customers don’t have the time or patience to read a 1,000-word article about your business. However, with the popularity of videos growing immensely in the last few years, they’ll gladly watch a short video about the same subject. Hence, shouldn’t you learn how to create a YouTube channel and think of engaging and interactive video ideas that will leave clients yearning for more?

Along with social media and email marketing, publishing videos is one of the most genius content marketing ideas in this day and age. The more popular your channel gets, the more people follow you on social media and connect to your brand. With 91% of businesses using video as a marketing tool, you have to join the party, too. It may seem scary, and you may not know what types of videos you should create. That’s why we’ve prepared a full guide for you.

Tip To Create A YouTube Channel For Your Business

Learn how produce video content that boosts traffic and engages audiences.

How To Create A Channel In 4 Simple Steps

1. Sign In To Your Gmail

You probably already have a Google account you’ll be tempted to use in this case. However, when creating a YouTube channel for business, it’s best to set up a new email address. Why? First, you safeguard your personal account from potential security threats. Also, you can share the new email address with everyone in your community without worrying about receiving spam messages. Once this step is finished, you can create your channel and add the name and handle. A pro tip is setting up 2-step verification to keep your channel protected from attacks. Simply click on the security tab in the navigation panel and follow Google’s process.

2. Customize The Layout

Before you start thinking about YouTube video ideas, customize the appearance of your channel. You’ll see a few options, including layout, branding, and basic information. The layout helps you organize your content and control what people see first. Many channels include a trailer or their best-performing video at the top of their main page. Then, you can create various sections and playlists. For instance, you may categorize your content into webinars, tutorials, interviews, livestreams, etc.

3. Set Your Branding

YouTube video marketing is very promising for most business sectors. However, nothing good will come out of it if your branding isn’t clear and powerful. This means three things: a profile image, a banner image, and a video watermark. The latter is the little image that appears at the bottom of all your videos, and you can choose when it appears and for how long. Make sure all three are cohesive and align with your overall brand image. Bright colors and high-quality images are necessary to help your channel stand out and strengthen your content marketing for B2B. Also, make sure the dimensions are right—YouTube will ask you to crop them if they need adjustments.

4. Add Basic Information

This is the final step on how to create a YouTube channel. How will clients contact you if they want to do business with you? Anyone should be able to find information about your company and your contact details on your YouTube page. You only have 1,000 characters to describe your business, so make them count.

Utilize your SEO skills to include keywords and phrases relevant to your content so people can find you more easily. Also, add links to your website, landing pages, and social media pages. You may even add those links at the bottom of your banner to attract attention.

5 Tips That Will Make Your YouTube Channel Stand Out

1. Titles And Thumbnails

No matter how good your video ideas are, they will disappear into YouTube’s black hole unless you create compelling and catchy titles. Crafting engaging titles is one of the many benefits of AI in marketing, as you can ask it to generate a few SEO-friendly options. Keep your titles and descriptions short and informative, communicating the message clearly.

Another crucial factor that improves viewership and discoverability is your thumbnails. Instead of using a frame from your video, create a custom thumbnail using bright colors and intriguing text. Most successful YouTube channels follow this tactic even if their thumbnails can’t be seen inside the video. Your graphic designer can create your thumbnails, but you can easily outsource this task if you don’t have one.

2. Keywords

Popular YouTube ideas have one thing in common: the use of relevant keywords. Put your digital marketing skills to use and research keywords and phrases most people use to discover videos in your niche. Include these keywords in your titles and descriptions so you can help your channel grow organically. You can add a plethora of hashtags to help your video rank on specific topics. Don’t overstuff your descriptions with keywords, though. If you have trouble optimizing your content, you may want to read a helpful eBook. Additionally, you may use keywords in your video since bots crawl your content to locate relevant phrases.

3. Playlists

Some people go on YouTube knowing exactly what they want to watch, while others may look for suggestions. A wonderful tactic for B2B content marketing is to group videos with similar subjects in a playlist to promote both new and older content. This way, YouTube automatically loads up your next creation once a video finishes. Not only is this convenient, but it also increases your viewership effortlessly. You may include videos from relevant channels in your playlist as well to make it even more informative and educational. However, make sure that your videos are more engaging so that potential clients understand your expertise and subscribe to your channel.

4. Subtitles And Captions

Any successful marketing team, like the one we have at eLearning Industry, knows that making your content accessible increases likeability and credibility. Not everyone watching your videos can understand English perfectly. Include both captions and subtitles in all your videos so everyone can watch and fully comprehend your messaging. Keep in mind that subtitles and captions are crawled by bots, so your videos and channel can rank even higher in searches.

5. Info Cards

You’ve definitely seen small windows popping up on the right corner of a YouTube video. They are called info cards, which you can use to facilitate your small business content marketing. Let’s say you are in the payroll software industry, and you’re talking about struggles companies face. You can add the link to your software on an info card so professionals can visit your website and read details about your solution’s properties. But don’t simply add the link—include a powerful CTA that intrigues people to click on the card.

14 Engaging YouTube Video Ideas For Your Business

1. Meet The Team And Behind The Scenes

One of the most engaging YouTube video ideas is giving customers a glimpse of what’s going on behind the scenes. What is a typical day in your office like, and who are your team members? Your promotional campaign can include small videos of every team in the company, with each professional introducing themselves and stating what their job is. As a result, clients can see the human side behind the strict business face. Don’t just include business-related details—you may film your team catching up during their coffee break or enjoying some quality time with their pets on a bring-your-pet-to-work day.

2. Educational Videos

Before promoting your product, you should showcase thought leadership so audiences perceive you as credible. How do you do that in the congested world of YouTube? High-quality educational videos are your ticket to success. Start discussing industry news, common challenges many companies face, and technological advancements. For instance, if you are in the MarTech industry, you may create more videos about AI-powered tools and other solutions available. Adding value to your YouTube video topics increases your trustworthiness and authority in the niche. This way, you can promote your own product successfully and convert leads more easily.

3. Tutorials And Guides

So, how can you create a YouTube channel that not only educates on industry matters but also promotes your products? The answer is quite simple. You should start filming tutorials, demos, and explainer videos. 69% of people prefer videos instead of text to learn about a new product or service. Your SaaS B2B marketing efforts should focus on explaining how your solution works and which common pain points it addresses. You may use a member of your team to offer a demonstration or incorporate animations and video footage to make your content engaging and interactive. If you are using a team member, make sure it’s someone with expertise and deep knowledge of the technology.

4. Q&As

Among the top YouTube video ideas are Q&As, as they allow your target audience to ask burning questions and receive valuable answers. This is especially crucial for SaaS startups that are still new to the game and have to prove their credibility and expertise. You can conduct these videos in two ways. First, you can ask your audience on social media to send you their questions beforehand and then record your answers. Or, you may go on a live stream and answer questions as they come. The first method is much easier and helps you organize your answers. On the other hand, the second method requires spontaneous answers that may not be as informative as you’d want.

5. Industry Leader Interviews

When you create a YouTube channel, you have to try out different formats and content ideas to see which ones perform better. Your marketing leader knows that building authority in your niche is pivotal. Therefore, you can start inviting important figures in your industry and conducting informative interviews. Which experts are recognizable, and customers would want to hear them talking? Invite them and ask them all the questions your audience would want you to. You can also ask them to publish the interview on their channel so that you get double exposure.

6. Testimonials And Reviews

What are some other good ideas for YouTube videos that showcase expertise and credibility? Gathering customer reviews and testimonials is the proof your future clients will need to see how valuable your product is and what results they can expect. High-performing marketing teams know how important leveraging social proof is. For starters, you can arrange interviews with satisfied customers and let them do the promotion for you. Alternatively, a member of your team can create a vlog by reading positive reviews online. If you want to be even more thorough, you can narrate a case study and use animations to depict a specific customer’s journey to success.

7. Employee Interviews

Don’t you want to know the person you are doing business with? Listening to their voice on the phone or chatting online with them isn’t enough. Your brand is nothing without your expert professionals. That’s why you should give them the stage and let them introduce themselves to the industry. A great YouTube video idea for businesses is to create employee profiles, highlighting each person’s experience and area of expertise. They can explain what a typical day looks like for them and refer to a customer case they feel proud about. Maybe they can give a tiny glimpse of their personal lives, too.

8. Holiday Videos

One of the most underutilized video ideas you can create for your YouTube channel is holiday-themed content. These videos can be more fun and less business-oriented. You can hook audiences by talking about their favorite holidays and narrating engaging and relaxing stories. Additionally, you can insert any special offers or discounts you may have somewhere in the middle. Utilize storytelling to make the transition from fun to business as smooth as possible. By recognizing everyone’s holidays, you show how much you care. Content marketing agencies like eLearning Industry can help you promote this content across different platforms.

9. Company Culture And Milestones

Customers don’t do business with you only because you are good at what you do. Your values, goals, and ethics are also crucial for forming a positive perception of your business. So, put your management under the spotlight and let them explain your company culture in an easily digestible and entertaining way. Similarly, you can do the same thing every time you reach a new milestone that places your organization at the top. For instance, if you win industry awards, upload the video from the ceremony, including photos of your team posing with the award.

10. Weekly Industry News

You have created your YouTube channel, and you’ve come up with some wonderful video ideas. You need a marketing plan template to organize your thoughts and help them come to fruition. Weekly or monthly videos about industry news surely deserve a spot there. As a result, you prove that your company is always updated on relevant news and has unique viewpoints. Your authority and credibility increase when your audience knows that they can come to your channel for all the latest news. Stay consistent with your uploads so that you build loyalty and trust with your viewers.

11. Busting Common Myths

What is one of the top applications of Artificial Intelligence? Finding any information you ask for. Utilize AI and identify the most common misconceptions and myths in your industry. Along with your own findings, create YouTube videos that debunk those myths or confirm those that are true. Not only are these videos entertaining, but they also answer many common questions people have, helping your credibility rise.

12. Top Lists And Product Comparisons

One of the most popular YouTube video ideas is lists. Why? Maybe it’s because they have a clear structure and everyone anticipates finding out who is at the top. Top lists definitely belong in the future of digital marketing, as they allow audiences to do their own research and compare solutions. On the other hand, comparisons do not aim to crown a winner but to compare services based on their capabilities and characteristics. Customers can choose a solution that fits them best based on their needs.

13. Advice Videos

Great YouTube video ideas aren’t only meant to entertain audiences but also educate them on industry matters and help them overcome their pain points. There are a plethora of B2B marketing strategy examples you can follow, including email marketing and digital marketing. Whatever you choose, you may create videos giving tips and advice and share them through your email or social media platforms. This way, you build trust with your followers. They know that your advice can help them evolve their business, and they will come to you every time they want to get useful tips.

14. Webinar Snippets

There is no better way to engage audiences than by creating webinars. Not only do they improve your marketing results when you measure content marketing performance, but they also allow participants to converse with you live and get to know your brand. You can record your webinars and publish them for those who want to attend but can’t. You can upload full webinars on YouTube or small snippets to intrigue audiences so they visit your website to view the full version. Alternatively, you can organize a live webinar on the platform and receive questions in the comments.

Final Words

This in-depth guide has walked you through how to create your own YouTube channel from scratch and given you some stellar video ideas. However, some of you may still be wondering how you’ll know which people to target with your video content. The answer is simple. Customer profiling will help you identify your ideal buyers. Knowing their interests, challenges, and needs, you’re able to speak their language and talk about the subjects they are searching for.

You can even use your videos to direct them toward gated content that aims to extract email addresses in exchange for educational content, such as eBooks. Or, you can publish snippets of your webinars and ask viewers to click a link if they want to gain full access. Another great way to promote your YouTube channel and creative videos is to include them in your email marketing sequences. If you need some help with that, we’ve got you. We can help you reach the right audience and boost your website traffic.

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