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Social Onboarding: How Can It Benefit Your Organization?

Social Onboarding 101

Did you know that almost 30% of employees quit within the first 90 days of starting a new job? That’s a pretty high turnover rate. Not only does it disrupt the workflow, but it also impacts the morale of current employees and the productivity of the organization as a whole. So, what’s the missing puzzle piece here? It’s usually the onboarding process or, more specifically, the absence of a social onboarding program.

What exactly is social onboarding? It’s more than just paperwork and training. It’s a strategy that prioritizes integrating new hires into the social and cultural dynamics of the organization. By helping employees build connections, understand the company culture, and feel included right away, it sets the stage for a successful transition.

Basically, social onboarding is all about helping new hires feel welcomed into a community right from the beginning. It involves setting up a space where they can grow in their careers and personal lives. By emphasizing social connections, forming bonds, and adapting to the company culture, businesses can greatly improve employee satisfaction and loyalty, resulting in a stronger and more efficient team. Let’s dig deeper into the concept of social onboarding and explore how this approach can change your organization, ensuring that new hires not only stay but also grow and succeed within your company.

The Process Of Social Onboarding

Preboarding Activities

Just imagine starting a new job and getting a warm, welcoming email even before your first day. That’s the essence of preboarding in social onboarding. It’s all about making new hires feel part of the team right from the start. These emails can be a simple yet effective way to share essential information, such as what to expect on the first day, company values, and maybe even a fun fact about the team they’ll join.

Strategies For The First Day Or Week

Starting a new job can be overwhelming, but social onboarding can really help new hires feel more comfortable and welcome. Pairing them with a buddy or mentor who knows the company inside and out can make a big difference. They can answer those little questions that new hires might be too shy to ask, like where to find the best coffee or how to use the office printer. Introductions and informal gatherings are also fantastic ways to help new hires ease into the team.

Ongoing Support

In the beginning, it’s crucial to have regular check-ins and feedback sessions. This way, new team members won’t feel like they’re on their own in their new role. These check-ins provide an opportunity for them to communicate with their manager or mentor. It’s a valuable time to talk about how they’re adapting, address any concerns, and receive constructive feedback on their development.


Tools such as Slack or Microsoft Teams go beyond just managing tasks or having quick conversations—they are the core of social onboarding. Through these platforms, new employees can join team channels and engage in group discussions. Now, let’s look at gamification. By adding elements of game design to the process, companies can transform learning into an interactive journey. For example, new hires earn points or badges for completing onboarding tasks.

5 Ways Social Onboarding Transforms Your Company

1. Employee Engagement

Social onboarding isn’t simply about giving a tour of the office or reviewing company policies. It’s about establishing authentic relationships and a feeling of fitting in from day one. When new staff members feel accepted and valued, their motivation spikes. They don’t just show up to work; they’re enthusiastic about contributing, exchanging ideas, and being part of the company’s progress. Social onboarding accomplishes this by integrating new hires into the social structure of the company. Think about how having a mentor helps them, as well as how regular updates from managers and team activities create a sense of community.

2. Improved Retention Rates

Social onboarding is a game-changer when it comes to retaining employees. By helping new hires feel like part of the team from day one, it increases the likelihood that they will stick around. Through social onboarding, new employees can build relationships with their colleagues, understand the company culture, and feel supported in their roles. This support network is crucial for ensuring that new hires feel confident and capable in their positions. So, they’re less likely to seek other opportunities elsewhere.

3. Enhanced Productivity

When new employees feel supported, they adjust more quickly. They’re not only mastering the technical side of their job; they’re also building relationships and grasping the unspoken norms of the workplace. This faster adjustment allows them to make a more effective and immediate contribution. Social onboarding creates a workplace where new hires are encouraged to ask questions and exchange ideas without holding back. They know who to turn to for help and feel comfortable collaborating with their coworkers. As a result, this feeling of fitting in and understanding their role and the company’s objectives boosts their productivity.

4. Cultural Alignment

The first few days of a new job are crucial. New employees need to figure out not only how to do their jobs but also how things work there. Social onboarding steps in to bridge this gap. It’s not just about paperwork and procedures; it’s about easing new hires into the company culture. They get a firsthand look at how the company’s values are lived out daily, making them feel part of the culture from day one. When employees understand and align with the company’s culture, they’re more likely to feel connected and committed. They’re not just working for a paycheck; they’re contributing to something they believe in. This alignment boosts their morale, encourages them to collaborate with peers, and ultimately leads to a more close-knit work environment.

5. Network Building

Getting to know your coworkers goes beyond just being friendly—it’s about integrating yourself into the workplace environment. The closer your relationships are with your colleagues, the smoother collaboration becomes, making it easier to exchange ideas and work together effectively. These connections aren’t just beneficial in the present—they also pay off in the future. Need help with a project? Considering a department transfer? Your network becomes your primary source of support. And, for the company, employees who feel a sense of belonging are more likely to stay, enhancing overall teamwork and fostering a positive work culture.


It’s important to regularly check how you onboard new team members. Take a moment to evaluate what’s going well and where there might be room for improvement. Are your new hires feeling welcomed and integrated into the team? Are they grasping your company culture and values from day one? Then, adjust your onboarding process based on their feedback. If you stick to your plan for social onboarding and focus on keeping your new hires happy, you’re in for more engaged employees from the start.

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