Anne Galloway’s “Conquering Imposter Syndrome : A Guide to Career Fulfilment and Getting Back on the Path to Career Success” is LIVE!!


Conquering Imposter Syndrome : A Guide to Career Fulfilment and Getting Back on the Path to Career Success

Are you struggling with Imposter Syndrome – the feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and just not being good enough – and believe it’s holding back your career?

Do you want to overcome those feelings, feel more confident in your abilities to do your job, and become more in control of your career success?

Know that you are not alone in this. Imposter Syndrome is very common among many high achievers including famous celebrities like Michelle Obama, Lady Gaga, and Tom Hanks. Like them, you too can unlock your potential, become the best version of yourself, and achieve career success by overcoming this psychological pattern.

In this book, certified career coach Anne Galloway shares actionable strategies based on research and personal experience working with people from diverse career backgrounds, many of whom have suffered from Imposter Syndrome.

Learn about:

  • The common types of Imposter Syndrome
  • What can cause Imposter Syndrome at work
  • 5 key strategies to overcoming Imposter Syndrome at work
  • Lots of ways to boost your confidence
  • And a whole lot more, all backed up with case studies

Don’t let Imposter Syndrome hold you back – start reading now!

Conquering Imposter Syndrome : A Guide to Career Fulfilment and Getting Back on the Path to Career Success

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The book is the first in my Path to Career Success series with the next one due out in the first quarter of 2024 (if I put it out there then it has to happen 😊).

I really enjoyed digging deep to find out more about this phenomenon and realising that I and my clients are not alone as imposter syndrome impacts people from all professions and walks of life including famous celebrities such as Michelle Obama, Lady Gaga, Emma Watson, and Tom Hanks.

And, while it will take time and effort, you can reduce the haunting feelings of imposter syndrome.

About the book:

“Imposter Syndrome is a widely prevalent issue across all professions, involving a cycle of perfectionism, negative self-talk, burnout, and feelings of being a fraud. It denies an individual the joy of success and a sense of competency. If you can relate, I want you to know that you’re not alone and that the struggle is real. I also want you to know that you can break-free from this mindset and cultivate a sense of self-worth, authenticity, and brilliance just as you are.”

You will learn about:

  • The common types of Imposter Syndrome
  • What can cause Imposter Syndrome at work
  • 5 key strategies to overcoming Imposter Syndrome at work
  • Lots of ways to boost your confidence

My favourite quotes:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

From “A Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson.

My Career Success Journal (also part of my Path to Career Success series) will be available free to download for the whole of January. It is an excellent tool that not only helps with Imposter syndrome but also in increasing your confidence and selling yourself for your next job or promotion.

Authentic, honest, and engaging, author Anne Galloway’s “Conquering Imposter Syndrome” is a must-read nonfiction book and guide on facing our doubts and gaining the tools needed to overcome the imposter syndrome many people face in their lives.

And, feedback that I just received this morning (it is from a client who was thanking me for helping her get a job offer and I was unaware that she also bought the book) :

“…I recently purchased your new book, CONQUERING IMPOSTER SYNDROME, and found it to be fantastic. The insights and advice you’ve shared are truly remarkable and helpful…”

About me:

I am a Scot who grew up in the Highlands and is now living in The Netherlands. I love being outside and hiking in the mountains which is a bit of a challenge when living in the Netherlands!!

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